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Harnessing the circular value within organic resources.

At Prado Energia, we are committed to fostering a sustainable and regenerative economy by harnessing the circular value within organic resources.


Our mission is to empower communities and stakeholders by providing innovative Circular Economy solutions that transform organic waste into valuable resources, thereby contributing to a cleaner environment and a more resilient future.

About us
Campos agrícolas

Leading biomethane developer, advancing sustainability in Portugal

Established in 2023, Prado Energia emerges as a pioneering biomethane developer with a commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions within the Portuguese market.


Composed by an experienced and highly motivated team, Prado Energia is perfectly placed as a platform suited for significant expansion within the industry landscape.

Image by Taylor Siebert

What is Biomethane? 

Biomethane, also known as renewable natural gas, is a sustainable energy source produced by processing biological waste and organic materials.


It is indistinguishable from natural gas and therefore can be injected into the grid, used as vehicle fuel or for combined heat and electricity generation.


Different feedstocks can be used to produce biogas and biomethane, some of the most common being: animal manure, agricultural residues, wastewater sludge and municipal solid waste.


Biomethane will be key to achieve carbon-neutrality by 2050 and help the EU become less dependent in external energy supplies.

What we do

Image by Stijn te Strake


We prioritize sustainability in every aspect of our operations, ensuring that our initiatives contribute positively to the environment, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations.

Image by Julia Koblitz


We embrace a culture of technological innovation, improving the know-how on feedstock management, transport and storage, pre-treatment, biodigestion, upgrading as well as biomethane loading and transport.

Agricultores que colhem colheitas


We value the importance of building mutually beneficial relationships with our stakeholders. By creating value from resources, we aim to contribute to the overall well-being and economic prosperity of local communities.

What is Biomethane
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Member of the European Biogas Association:

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